It’s no secret that Search Engine Optimisation is an ever changing landscape. Keeping up to date can literally (as this writer can attest) become a full time job. But you’ve likely got a business to run, so we thought we’d go ahead and fill you in on some of the most recent (but also easiest to implement) considerations we’ve begun to make when it comes to achieving organic rankings.
A side note before we get started: If you’re looking for a few tried and true methods then not to worry! This is part one of a two parter and the next blog will cover off our top tips along those lines, so be sure to subscribe by click on the tab in the bottom right corner and stay tuned. In the meantime, here are our top 5 tips for staying ahead of the pack when it comes to SEO in Brisbane and beyond:
1 – Keyword optimised/structured SEO external linking optimisation
This is one that people really don’t give the time that they should to. These days your link profile does not just include the links that point to your website from external sites, but also who you point to. It’s a relatively recent focus within the industry, however the idea that it’s something Google hasn’t been assessing (or has at least been aware of) for quite some time is a little ridiculous given that they’ve been assessing inbound links for years. To put it very simply, you should have all of your outbound links mapped via a method of your choosing (such as a spreadsheet of word document) and the keywords those links are targeting assigned to them clearly. Doing SEO in Brisbane? Then link out to Brisbane based information and websites. Doing SEO around industry specific terms? Be sure to link out to helpful information and show that you are trying to give context/the full picture.
2 – Keyword optimised/structured SEO internal contextual linking
Another part of your link profile to consider aside from the usual inbound links from external sites is the way that the information on your website links together. We’re not talking about your main menu (although that is obviously important) or any other types of links (which are still also important), but contextual links from within the information onsite to related and supporting content. These links should also have the keywords they are targeting assigned and should be mapped in a readily available document to keep track.
3 – Voice Search SEO
The rise of software and products such as Google Home, Siri and Alexa are fundamentally transforming the nature of keywords, however it’s only recently that the level of shift that has been predicted for the last few years became a reality. You’ve likely already noticed keywords along the lines of “where are barbers near me” or “what are the best shampoos for dry hair”, but search terms are increasingly replacing more robotic versions such as “barber brisbane” or “dry hair shampoo”. It’s important to factor this in when you’re doing keyword research and deciding what to target with your SEO efforts. It will only become moreso the case as “hands free” search becomes more prominent. Not that it means you should focus mainly on these types yet. We’d say it’s about 30/70 at the moment.
4 – Multi-level keyword SEO assignment
Keyword assignment is nothing new for us, however, if you need a little context then you can check out our onsite SEO guidelines blog. Once you’re up on the concept, we should point out (and probably will in future blogs dedicated to the topic), that although you need to assign a unique set of keywords (meaning a unique combination, not three keywords that are all not assigned to any other page), you should be considering how these pages relate to others and how your assignment will roll out with this in mind. A quick example would be as follows:
- Page A is a parent page with “Keyword X” assigned to it as a main keyword.
- Page B is a page that sits topically under the parent page (let’s say a sub-menu item in the main menu) and has “Keyword Y” assigned to it as a main keyword.
- “Keyword X” should very likely appear on Page B and it would not be entirely out of place for “Keyword Y” to appear on Page A.
This clearly demonstrates the relation between pages and the structural relationship of the information on each. Something Search Engines love.
5- Attribution tracking.
Okay, so this one we’ve snuck in. It’s not really a new consideration and we will happily admit that we do go on about it a little, but honestly, it’s a bit of a bug bear of ours that it’s still not being used/tracked by every SEO Expert in Brisbane. If you’re only tracking sales, leads and enquiries that come direct as a result of organic traffic and convert on the first go then you’re only getting a part of the picture with regards to how well your campaign is doing. All of your marketing channels interact with and assist each other and what organic traffic brings in, paid traffic may help to convert at a later time/on a subsequent visit and vice versa. Please do yourself a favour and set up attribution tracking on your campaign! Your web person or digital marketer should able to help with this.
That’s it for Part 1! Again, remember to subscribe and tune in for Part 2 if you’re looking for some of the more tried and true methodologies that you can apply to your efforts. As always please leave a comment below if you’d like to add anything or feel free to get in touch with our SEO professionals if you’d like help to explore your options regarding SEO in Brisbane.