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INDUSTRY NEWS: Google Marketing Live Highlights & Announcements For Advertisers

INDUSTRY NEWS: Google Marketing Live Highlights & Announcements For Advertisers

A couple of weeks ago, Google held its annual “Google Marketing Live” event and for the first time ever they live streamed it! For those not in the know, they’ve been using this event for the past few years to make major announcements about new products and changes, offer advice and to just generally show off how well the business is doing (which you would think to be obvious, but there you go). This year after a short welcome they dove straight into the meaty stuff, getting into the latest innovations in advertising on Google along with a quick 20 minute bit around the “future of search” which you should probably pay close attention to given who it’s coming from.

After this they jumped into a couple of quick bits around engaging your customers with video and their work trying to create a seamless web/app experience for mobiles before getting into a good one hour case study around how video has helped to drive growth for online fashion innovators Techstyle Fashion Group that’s well worth the watch! There was another case study around video helping to grow Shinola Watches that also warrants a watch, but the real star of the show was the online shoe store for Frothy’s, which showed very clearly how paying attention to measurement and tracking can build on the foundation of what’s already working and offer up bold new directions to take a business in.

All in all it’s a highly engaging group of videos that are broken up nicely into separate videos for gradual consumption, which we highly suggest you indulge in!

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